Midwest Concierge of Naples, LLC

Laurie A. Troup, D.O.

Midwest Concierge Of Naples is a concierge Internal Medicine practice located in Naples, Florida. Dr. Laurie A. Troup, D.O. is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. She completed her Internal Medicine residency at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois. Dr. Troup provides personalized care to a panel limited to 50 patients.

Midwest Concierge of Naples, LLC, is located at 501 Goodlette Road N, Suite A103, Naples, FL 34102. Please enter the office through Suite A100.

The office is 1.3 miles South of the Coastland Mall on Goodlette-Frank Road North at the corner of 5th Avenue North. 5th Avenue North also has direct access from Tamiami Trail North (Route 41). Please click the red balloon on the Google map below for personalized directions to the office.


The office is open by appointment only from 10 am to 3 pm Monday - Thursday. Friday 10 am to noon. Existing patients may call Dr. Troup's cell phone directly 24/7 for urgent medical issues.